Sunday, October 3, 2010

Prayer Requests

Chrissy - I had a consultation at a Fibromyalgia center yesterday where they have a network of different doctors (from therapists to medical drs, nutritionists and massage therapists) who will collaborate to form a 4 month treatment program specific to empower me to learn about, advocate for and treat myself and my condition. We are hopeful that I am finally in the right place where they understand what is going on with me. Please pray for financial provision and that their treatment plan will be effective! Praise the Lord!!

Briana- Prayer for our marriage to grow and for Jeremy to pass all captain's test to be able to fully upgrade for work. Prayer for us to grow more in the Lord and to seek God more in our marriage together as a couple and for the fire to burn passionately for God, as it will burn more in our marriage.
Also, prayer for a safe trip out to Virginia in the next week by myself with our kids to visit Krista.

Christine Appel - First, praying for Preston and our marriage in such a consistent manner is new for me (sad but true), but I am enjoying it.  That said, this is also a very busy time of life for us with the three boys, school, sports, cooking, cleaning, etc, so it is unfortunately easy for me to get in the "get-it-all-done" mode and neglect such a privilege and important thing as praying for him and us.  Please pray that I could find consistent time to do so and get into the habit of consistent prayer for Preston, our marriage and family.
Second, please pray for Michael that he would continue to bond with our family and Preston and me as his parents.  He is bonded, but occasionally still displays behaviors that are hard to know if they stem from inadequate/incomplete bonding or are just his personality.  Also, please pray for Zach who is struggling with being truthful and responsible for his own actions.  Help us to be patient and to know how best to help him.

Kristen - I am trying to figure out what it is that God has willed for me. My company's sale went through and they have guaranteed all of my unit our jobs. I am still praying trying to decide if going full time is what God really has in store for me and my family. It could possibly give Kirk the opportunity to quit his job and hopefully he would be able to start his own business. Also, be praying for our marriage! Kirk unfortunately did not lose his job. It has been really difficult with him only coming home a few days a month. It's actually more difficult when he is home than when he is gone. We get into our routine and then we get a visit from dad. The house gets trashed, all chores go out the window and I get stressed out. He is finishing up with the Springfield job but will be headed straight for Grand Junction. Pray for me because the longer he is gone the easier it gets and the more I realize how much easier it is when he IS gone and to be honest wish he would just stay gone. I don't like feeling that way but I also hate fighting all the time when he is home. Something has got to give. Thanks!

Jackie - My eczema is a problem but has been better for two weeks now, instead can you please pray for my marriage. I struggle with bad moods and have struggled since we first got married. Irritability and anger, bad responses. This is the first time I've asked other women to pray for me about this. Thanks!

Aubra - Needs prayer for marriage, also is struggling with diabetes, and son is having some health issues.

Angie - Needs prayer for doctors to figure out what the best course of action is as far as thyroid problems go.

Krista - Needing prayer for marriage difficulties, husband is deployed, prayer for her fibromyalgia. She needs strength and encouragement. Prayer also for her family.

Keep praying for your yourself, your husbands and each other.....


  1. Thanks for letting me be a part of this study from a distance, and for lending me some of your precious members in my time of need. I am praying for you all, and holding you close to my heart. Thanks for your continued prayers for my family, as well. Hugs, hugs, and more hugs to you all.

  2. Praise the Lord!! I found out last night that I have been accepted for treatment at Colorado Fibromyalgia Center! The 4 month program starts this Friday and I will have at least 1 appointment every week through February. When I go in on Friday I will schedule most if not all of the appointments so that I can work out childcare. What I need help and prayer for now is getting that worked out and still that the Lord will continue to provide financially. Thank you!!
