Sunday, October 3, 2010

Prayer Requests

Chrissy - I had a consultation at a Fibromyalgia center yesterday where they have a network of different doctors (from therapists to medical drs, nutritionists and massage therapists) who will collaborate to form a 4 month treatment program specific to empower me to learn about, advocate for and treat myself and my condition. We are hopeful that I am finally in the right place where they understand what is going on with me. Please pray for financial provision and that their treatment plan will be effective! Praise the Lord!!

Briana- Prayer for our marriage to grow and for Jeremy to pass all captain's test to be able to fully upgrade for work. Prayer for us to grow more in the Lord and to seek God more in our marriage together as a couple and for the fire to burn passionately for God, as it will burn more in our marriage.
Also, prayer for a safe trip out to Virginia in the next week by myself with our kids to visit Krista.

Christine Appel - First, praying for Preston and our marriage in such a consistent manner is new for me (sad but true), but I am enjoying it.  That said, this is also a very busy time of life for us with the three boys, school, sports, cooking, cleaning, etc, so it is unfortunately easy for me to get in the "get-it-all-done" mode and neglect such a privilege and important thing as praying for him and us.  Please pray that I could find consistent time to do so and get into the habit of consistent prayer for Preston, our marriage and family.
Second, please pray for Michael that he would continue to bond with our family and Preston and me as his parents.  He is bonded, but occasionally still displays behaviors that are hard to know if they stem from inadequate/incomplete bonding or are just his personality.  Also, please pray for Zach who is struggling with being truthful and responsible for his own actions.  Help us to be patient and to know how best to help him.

Kristen - I am trying to figure out what it is that God has willed for me. My company's sale went through and they have guaranteed all of my unit our jobs. I am still praying trying to decide if going full time is what God really has in store for me and my family. It could possibly give Kirk the opportunity to quit his job and hopefully he would be able to start his own business. Also, be praying for our marriage! Kirk unfortunately did not lose his job. It has been really difficult with him only coming home a few days a month. It's actually more difficult when he is home than when he is gone. We get into our routine and then we get a visit from dad. The house gets trashed, all chores go out the window and I get stressed out. He is finishing up with the Springfield job but will be headed straight for Grand Junction. Pray for me because the longer he is gone the easier it gets and the more I realize how much easier it is when he IS gone and to be honest wish he would just stay gone. I don't like feeling that way but I also hate fighting all the time when he is home. Something has got to give. Thanks!

Jackie - My eczema is a problem but has been better for two weeks now, instead can you please pray for my marriage. I struggle with bad moods and have struggled since we first got married. Irritability and anger, bad responses. This is the first time I've asked other women to pray for me about this. Thanks!

Aubra - Needs prayer for marriage, also is struggling with diabetes, and son is having some health issues.

Angie - Needs prayer for doctors to figure out what the best course of action is as far as thyroid problems go.

Krista - Needing prayer for marriage difficulties, husband is deployed, prayer for her fibromyalgia. She needs strength and encouragement. Prayer also for her family.

Keep praying for your yourself, your husbands and each other.....

Lesson Two - Day Five

Memory Verse
1 Corinthians 10:24
"Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being."

Praying for My Husband's Self-Image
Key Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:29, Colossians 2:9-10

The Power of Scripture

1. Read 2 Corinthians 3:18. What attributes of Christ would you most like to see imprinted on your husband's character? Ask God to allow the likeness of Christ to be stamped upon his soul.

2. Read Romans 8:29. What is your husband's destiny?

3. Read Colossians 2:9-10. What changes in your husband as well as in yourself - changes in attitude and behavior, for instance - would you expect if you both of you were convinced of the truth that you are complete in Christ?

4. Read Psalm 8:4-6. What does it say about your husband and who God created him to be?

The Power of Application

5. Do you feel your husband has a truthful and accurate perception of himself, or might he tend either to underestimate or overestimate himself? Does he feel rejected or fearful that people will reject him? Write out a prayer asking God to help your husband feel accepted by the Lord and confident in the presence of others. If he does not struggle with this, write out a prayer of gratitude.

The Power of Prayer

Pray for your husband to truly know the Lord in a deep and lasting way. Pray that he will know who he was created to be. Pray that he will know his creator in the depth that God desires. Pray that he knows who God really is so he can know who he really is.

Lesson Two - Day Four

Memory Verse
1 Corinthians 10:24
"Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well being."

Praying for My Husband's Emotions
Key Scriptures: Proverbs 22:24-25, John 10:10, Psalm 34:1-4

The Power of Scripture

1. Read Proverbs 22:24-25. What does it say happens to us when we are around someone who projects a spirit of anger or other strong negative emotion? Do you or your husband tend to have negative emotions that can spoil the atmosphere of you home and your relationship? What triggers these emotions and how can you avoid them?

2. Read John 10:10. What are Satan's intentions for your life? What are God's intentions for your life?
In what aspects of your married life might the enemy be stealing joy or peace, dampening your enthusiasm, or robbing you of hope for the future? Do you feel that God has more of the abundant life available to you than you are now experiencing?

3. Read Psalm 40:1-3. Write down what the passage says about finding freedom from negative emotions.

The Power of Application

4. If you or your husband deal with negative emotions, write out a prayer asking God to protect both of you from depression, fear, anxiety, anger or whatever other negative emotions you may be experiencing.

5. Read Psalm 34:1-4. What should you be doing to dissolve the dark clouds of anger, depression, anxiety, and fear? How often should you praise the Lord each day?

The Power of Prayer

Ask God to show you anything you need to see with regard to negative emotions so that you and your husband can maintain an atmosphere of love, freedom and openness in your home.

Lesson Two - Day Three

Memory Verse
1 Corinthians 10:24
"Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being."

Praying about My Husband's Temptations
Key Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 6:18-20, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Luke 22:39-43

The Power of Scripture

1. What warning about temptation do you find in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20? Why is sexual sin especially destructive?
What are we supposed to do with out bodies? Why?

2. Read 1 Corinthians 10:13. God says he will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle. What is the special promise that we can boldly claim?

3. Read Luke 22:39-43. What did Jesus instruct His disciples to do?
What did Jesus do to resist being tempted to forsake God's plan for His life?
How can you pray for yourself and your husband about resisting temptation?

The Power of Application

4. Read Mark 14:38. Write out a prayer asking God to help your husband resist any temptation that he may be faced with. Your watchful prayers over him can help him avoid temptation even if he is not praying for himself.

5. Read James 1:12. What happens to a man who doesn't succumb to temptation? Pray and ask God to help your husband live so that he will one day receive these blessings.

The Power of Prayer

Ask God to show you any area of your husband's life where he might be weak and vulnerable and ask God to protect him. Your prayers can bring strength when your husbands feels the weakest. Or pray that your husband will always remain strong against temptations and pray the same for yourself.

Lesson Two - Day Two

Memory Verse
1 Corinthians 10:24
"Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being."

Praying for My Husband's Affection
Key Scriptures: Philippians 2:1-2, 1 Corinthians 7:3, 1 Corinthians 10:24

The Power of Scripture

1. Read Philippians 2:1-2. What are four things Paul calls believers to do to achieve Christian unity? Why is each important in a marriage relationship?

2. Read 1 Corinthians 7:3. What does it say to you about your relationship with your husband?
Do you feel that you and your husband are affectionate enough with each other? What kind of affection would you like to experience in your marriage?

3. Read Philippians 2:3-4. What is the connection between being unselfish and being affectionate with your spouse. Address the matter of being mindful of "the interests of others".

The Power of Application

4. What are some ways you can show affection to your husband today?

5. Read Ecclesiastes 3:5. Do you and your husband take the time to hug and lovingly embrace each other? Write out a prayer asking God to help you make time to show each other genuine affection throughout the day or ask God to help you stay that way.

The Power of Prayer

God wants our marriage relationships to be characterized by love and affection. Otherwise the sexual relationship can become just a physical act rather than an expression of love. Write out a prayer in your journal asking God to give you and your husband the ability to be openly affectionate with each other.

Lesson Two - Day One

Memory Verse
1 Corinthians 10:24
"Let no one seek his own, but each one the other's well-being"

Praying for My Husband's Sexuality

Key Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 7:4, 1 Corinthians 7:5, Proverbs 5:15-19

The Power of Scripture

1. Read 1 Corinthians 7:4. This scripture is not licence for a man to take what he wants when he wants it. Sexual closeness is something a husband and wife give to each other when the other needs it, no matter what else they feel like doing at that moment. Write out what this verse means to you and how it applies to your marriage.

2. Read 1 Corinthians 7:5. Write down the reasons Paul gives for abstinence in marriage then pray that you and your husband will be in agreement about this important issue.

3. Read Proverbs 5:15-19. Write out a prayer for your husband and your marriage based on this scripture. 

4. What counsel does Jesus give us in Matthew 18:9, and what call to prayer is implied in this verse?

The Power of Application

5. List any concerns or frustration you feel concerning your sexual relationship with your your husband. Consider ways you may have neglected the relationship, then resolve by God's grace to do better.

6. Do you feel that you are sexually attractive to your husband? Is he sexually attractive to you? What could you do to make yourselves more attractive to each other? Sometimes giving more attention to your appearance, a change of attitude, being positive and encouraging instead of judgmental and critical can make all the difference. Releasing anger, resolving long standing conflicts, hurt and unforgiveness are necessary. Write out a prayer asking God to show you what may be unattractive to your husband and what you can do today that would be pleasing to him. Ask God to help you both be sexually attractive and attracted to each other.

The Power of Prayer
Ask God to help you do whatever needs to be done to have a satisfying sexual relationship with your husband. Pray for your husband to learn more of God's will about how he is supposed to treat you. Ask the lord to make this most intimate aspect of your relationship all He intended for it to be.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lesson One - Day Five

Day Five
Praying for My Husband's Reputation to Be Protected
Key Scriptures: Proverbs 22:1, Proverbs 27:21, Matthew 5:16

The Power of Scripture
1. Read Proverbs 27:21. have you ever noticed anything others have said about your husband that reveals something about his personal character?
2. Read Psalm 31:17-18. What does this passage teach about who can ultimately close the lips of the lying? What call to prayer for your husband is implied here?
3. Read Proverbs 31. What does verse 23 say about a virtuous woman's husband?
Do you think that a virtuous woman is rewarded for her virtue by being given a husband who is respected, or does the fact that she is a vvirtuous wife have something to do with the respect people have for her husband? Share you ideas about a wife's effect or influence on her husband's reputation.
4. Read Matthew 5:38-44. How should your husband respond to people who may try to tarnish a good reputation?

The Power of Application
5. Read Matthew 5:16. in what ways can your husband be a light in the workplace? 
Take this time to write a prayer in your journal for your husband and ask God to enable him to have so much of the light of Jesus in him that others see it, and his reputation is enhanced because of it. Ask God to protect you and your husband from anything and anyone who might damage your reputations.

The Power of Prayer
Write out a prayer asking God to keep you both covered in all four of these areas: work, finances, integrity, and reputation.
Dear Lord, I pray that You will bless my husband's work and our finances. I ask specifically that....

Monday, September 20, 2010

Prayer Requests

Christine Appel - First, praying for Preston and our marriage in such a consistent manner is new for me (sad but true), but I am enjoying it.  That said, this is also a very busy time of life for us with the three boys, school, sports, cooking, cleaning, etc, so it is unfortunately easy for me to get in the "get-it-all-done" mode and neglect such a privilege and important thing as praying for him and us.  Please pray that I could find consistent time to do so and get into the habit of consistent prayer for Preston, our marriage and family.
Second, please pray for Michael that he would continue to bond with our family and Preston and me as his parents.  He is bonded, but occasionally still displays behaviors that are hard to know if they stem from inadequate/incomplete bonding or are just his personality.  Also, please pray for Zach who is struggling with being truthful and responsible for his own actions.  Help us to be patient and to know how best to help him.

Kristen - I am trying to figure out what it is that God has willed for me. My company's sale went through and they have guaranteed all of my unit our jobs. I am still praying trying to decide if going full time is what God really has in store for me and my family. It could possibly give Kirk the opportunity to quit his job and hopefully he would be able to start his own business. Also, be praying for our marriage! Kirk unfortunately did not lose his job. It has been really difficult with him only coming home a few days a month. It's actually more difficult when he is home than when he is gone. We get into our routine and then we get a visit from dad. The house gets trashed, all chores go out the window and I get stressed out. He is finishing up with the Springfield job but will be headed straight for Grand Junction. Pray for me because the longer he is gone the easier it gets and the more I realize how much easier it is when he IS gone and to be honest wish he would just stay gone. I don't like feeling that way but I also hate fighting all the time when he is home. Something has got to give. Thanks!
Jackie - My eczema is a problem but has been better for two weeks now, instead can you please pray for my marriage. I struggle with bad moods and have struggled since we first got married. Irritability and anger, bad responses. This is the first time I've asked other women to pray for me about this. Thanks!

Chrissy - Need prayer for health issues and dealing with pain. Medication not working properly. Doctors can't seem to find a medical explanation of what is going on.

Aubra - Needs prayer for marriage, also is struggling with diabetes, and son is having some health issues.

Angie - Needs prayer for doctors to figure out what the best course of action is as far as thyroid problems go.

Krista - Needing prayer for marriage difficulties, husband is deployed, prayer for her fibromyalgia. She needs strength and encouragement. Prayer also for her family.

I would like us all to be praying for all of our marriages, even for those around us in our daily lives. Satan is in full mode attack on our marriages ladies and we need to be armed and ready to fight back. He is out is steal and destroy us and it seems he is hitting our marriages with a vengeance. Be praying and don't ever stop....

Lesson One - Day Four

Day Four
Praying for My Husband to Be a Man of Integrity
Key Scriptures: Proverbs 28:6, Psalm 41:12, I Peter 5:8

The Power of Scripture
1. Read Proverbs 28:6. What does the word integrity mean to you? Why is it important for you to pray that your husband has integrity in all things and at all times?
2. What guidelines for walking with integrity do the following passages offer?
Matthew 5:37
Ephesians 5:8-10
I Thessalonians 5:15-18
3. Read Psalm 41:12. Has there been any instances when you have noticed God uphold your husband and honor his integrity? Affirm you husband for his honorable position in the workplace.

The Power of Application
4. Read I Peter 5:8. What influences in your husband's workplace threaten to take him from the path of righteousness that God has for him? Ask God to either remove them from his life or enable him to stand strong and not compromise in any way. If nothing comes to mind, be thankful and ask God to keep you alert and aware.
5. Read John 16:13. Are you ever concerned that your husband might make hasty decisions that may not be the right ones? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your husband in every decision he makes.
6. If you are concerned about your husbands integrity, write a prayer asking God to reveal to him the error of his ways and the need to walk uprightly. If your husband is of unquestioned integrity, write out a prayer of gratitude and request for His protection from anything that could come upon him suddenly and tempt him to compromise his high standards.

The Power of Prayer
Your husband may be strong but no matter how strong he is, he is still vulnerable and needs to be upheld in prayer to be able to stand strong against an attack on his character. Take this time to write out a prayer for your husband in your journal.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lesson One - Day Three

Day Three

Key Scriptures: Philippians 4:19, Proverbs 10:22, Luke 12:29-31

The Power of Scripture
1. how can the promise in Philippians 4:19 help us keep a godly perspective on material blessings and provisions?
Read Proverbs 10:22. Do you feel that there has ever been a struggle in your finances because the Lord has not been brought into it? How could you pray about that?

2. Read Luke 12:29-31. Why do we not need to worry? What should be our priority in this life?
List some things you may be worried about and any worries your husband may be struggling with. Ask God to help you convert these worries into concerns that are genuine and result in action.

3. Read Malachi 3:10. What blessings have come from giving to the Lord's work?

4. Read Psalm 41:1-3. What are you and your husband doing - specifically - to consider the poor? What might God want you to do? Pray over this matter.

The Power of Application
5. Does your husband seem to find it easy or difficult to trust God to supply all of your family's needs? Why is it so difficult at times to trust God in this way? Be specific.

6. Read Matthew 6:21. Where do you think your husband's greatest treasure lies?

The Power of Prayer
Pray over yours and your husband's finances. Ask for wisdom to make sound decisions and to avoid or undue financial strain or loss.

Lesson One - Day Two

Memory Verse
Psalm 43:8
" Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good, blessed is the man who trusts in Him!"

Key Scriptures: Psalm 90:17, Proverbs 22:29, Ecclesiastes 3:13

The Power of Scripture
1. Read Proverbs 21:25. What kinds of death can laziness cause? Which of these deaths might your husband be suffering from? 
Read Proverbs 1:19. What are some of the costs that come with the ill-gotten gain of workaholism? Which of these costs, if any, might your husband be paying?

2. What does Ecclesiastes 3:13 say about a man's work? What can you do to help your husband see his work as a gift from God?

3. What does Colossians 3:17 call each of us to do? Are you able to observe any way that your husband is honoring God in his work?

4. Read Psalm 90:17. What does Moses pray here for the people? What do his works inspire you to pray for your husband?

The Power of Application
5. Do you see your husband as successful or struggling? Does he seem fulfilled, happy, miserable, or somewhere in between? Is he doing the kind of work that makes good use of his gifts and talents? Does he need doors of opportunity to open up for him? Say a prayer about this for him now... It may start like this: "Lord, I lift up my husband's work situation to Your. I sense that he is unfulfilled and frustrated in his job right now, and I ask You to..."

6. Do you feel that your husband's gifts and talents are being maximized in his work right now? How might his gifts and talents be better used now and in the future? What will you be praying for your husband?

The Power of Prayer
Is your husband able to see food fruit as a result of his work, or is the lack of it a source of frustration for him? Write out a prayer for your husband asking God to bless his work so that it is fruitful in every way. Ask God to open doors of opportunity for your husband that will bring him a sense of challenge and fulfillment.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Lesson One - Day One

Memory Verse
Galatians 6:9
"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."

Day 1
Romans 3:21-26, Matthew 18:19-20, Psalm 66:18

The Power of Scripture

1. Read Matthew 21.21. What moutains, if any, might you be currently facing in your marriage?
Read Mattew 21:22. What is God's will for your marriage? See also 1 Corinthians 13.
Ask God to help you pray in accordance with His will.

2. What do the following verses identify as a hindrance to prayer?
Proverbs 28:9
Isaiah 59:2

3. Read Matthew 19:3-6. What does verse say about how God views you and your husband? What does this mean to you personally?
Do you have the feeling of being one with your husband? What would help the two of you have a greater sense of oneness in your marriage?

The Power of Application

4. What specific thought or actions might not be pleasing to God?
Having doubt in our hearts is also sin. (Romans 14:23)

5. Are there any feeling sof hurt, unforgiveness, or disappointment that might be keeping you from even wanting to prya for your husband the way God wants you to? What do you need to forgive your husbnad for? What do you need to ask your husband to forgive you for? Write our a prayer asking God to show you any critical spirit yo umight have toward your husband so you can be free of it. Ask him to give you the desire to pray for your husband.

6. In what aspect of your marriage do you long to see God do something powerful?

The Power of Prayer

It is important to tell your husband that you are going to be praying for him everyday, so ask him what he wouldlike for you to pray about.

Lord, I pray that You would give me the right words to say when I tal to my husband about..

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Welcome to "Power of a Praying Wife"

Good afternoon ladies,

Just wanted to get a quick note in so we can get this thing up and running.

Have a great weekend!!!
